Reservoir Management
Making the complex simple
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We take a different approach to reservoir management. We believe that the goal of an effective resorvoir management plan should be to get the economic limit be as close as possible to the technical limit.
The safe production of oil and gas from a reservoir benefits the company, government, and society and is the focus of an effective reservoir management plan which progresses from modelling, to forecasting, to maturation and execution of activities to maximize value from oil and gas reservoirs.
Other projects: Well Intervention
More complex is not always better
Reservoir models can take many forms, from complex numerical simulations to simple streamtube sketches. Your focus is on maximizing profitability, and our focus is on using the right tool to support that effort.
By keeping things simple and using a first principles approach, we strive to implement modelling that is easily understandable and has a clear level of certainty. Modelling is the first step in developing a forecast (actually multiple forecasts which then contribute to "one" forecast).
This forecast accomodates different development and operating scenarios to enable easy comparisons to the impact of economic decisions and factors. We then take the forecast to the next level where we mature real projects, even taking them through exectuion in some cases, to support the effective exploitation of your most valuable resource.
Part of asset management
The management of an oil and gas reservoir is a critical piece of managing an asset, and we work to ensure a good reservoir managment plan fits into the overall asset management strategy. We understand that the biggest impact to how a reservoir is managed is the business reality that exists at any given time.
Putting previous plans in the context of the economy in which they were developed provides a fresh insight into new alternatives and a fresh look at earlier technical work based on the busines strategies that were employed at the time.
"Reservoir management is a critical piece of asset management"
Reservoir modelling is an important, but relatively small part of reservoir management. Reservoir Management combines geologic and reservoir engineering interpretations with production, drilling, operations, and economic inputs to create a comprehensive strategy.
Using a holistic approach from basic rock properties through to economic and business environments creates a robust reservoir management approach which maximizes the benefits to all stakeholders.
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